How To Make Nameless And Invisible Folder

How To Make Nameless And Invisible Folder 

Many of you have some private files which you don't wanted to share and to protect them you make lock with some software or using script that so un secure and not easy to lock or unlock. so in instead of making lock to you folder make your folder name less and invisible. To do this no software or any find of script is needed.You can Customize when ever you want. This trick is very simple and Easy to use.

How Make a invisible folder and name less :

To Try This trick Try it on new folder first and To do this trick just fallow the steps.

How to make your folder Name less :

  • First  make new folder and just rename it.
  • Then Instead of giving any name to it just  Press  Alt + 255  and press enter.

How to make your folder Invisible :

  • Now go to properties of the folder.
  • Than go to the option  Customize  and then in that click on change icon

  • Then there you will find some invisible icon  and just select it and apply it 
  • All Done Enjoy